Thursday, April 30, 2015

24 weeks, 5 days. April 30

Im 24 weeks! Our baby is now (potentially) viable of life outside of my body; but hopefully she'll stay in there several more weeks! Our baby girl is about as long as an ear of corn, or about the size of a large cantaloupe. 
We had an ultrasound this morning to check on the placenta previa. For those of you who dont know (I didnt know about this before having it); placenta previa is when the placenta covers the cervix. If this happens at full term babe cannot be born vaginally, cesarian is necessary with a true previa. Most often placenta previa will move as baby grows, and the uterus expands. So far, for us the previa hasnt moved at all. Our previous ultrasound at 18 weeks showed that the previa appeared to be covering my cervix by approximately 2-3 cm (however it wasnt done internally and was less accurate). Today at our ultrasound (24 and 5 days) they did an internal exam (trans vaginal) which showed more accurately that the previa is about 5cm covering. When the previa is approximately 2 or 3 cm they anticipate that it will move, however the doctor is not convinced that it will move; certainly not by 5 cm. There are risks of haemorrhage, and preterm labour with a previa. It is necessary to have a cesarian if the previa continues (which is appears it will). It's a bit disappointing, I wanted to have a vaginal, and potential home birth. However, Dennis & I are fine with this. There's nothing that we can do about it, so we need to adjust our plans. We will likely be referred to an OBGYN, probably next week at our midwife appointment. The OBGYN would be involved in our care for cesarian section arrangements. It is possible to keep our midwives and OBGYN on our team for the birth and followup. Im happy about this, I feel like we have connected well with the midwives and I definitely want them involved in some capacity. Our cesarian would be schedule, early as it is risky to go into labour with a previa.
Of most importance, babe is doing very well! She is measuring exactly on track, at 24 weeks, 6 days and 1 lb 11 oz, slightly bigger than typical. Her heart rate was measuring at 150 beats per minute. The doctor and sonographer were extremely pleased with how baby appeared. She was very active! They looked at her organs and bones, everything appeared really good. The tech and the doctor were so nice! The doctor was especially compassionate, informative, gentle; I was so pleased. 

We have a follow up ultrasound in 4 weeks, to check on the previa, and baby again.
It's nice to have the opportunity to see our baby so often and check in on her with these additional ultrasounds. Typically women only receive 2 ultrasounds. 

I am doing really well! I have been more hungry, I am trying to stock up on healthy snacks at home. I dont have any cravings but I am interested in sweets. I used to never buy or eat many sweets or chocolate milk but I like to have that daily if I can. I have an aversion to beef. I kind of forgot about it and made tacos last night. Yuck! 
I have been feeling the baby more often, typically at night when Im resting. 
Dennis & I start our prenatal classes Monday, May 4th with Healthy Birth Choices, there will be 7 sessions in total. Im looking forward to doing these classes. I think it will be helpful for Dennis, especially; and him and I together. I think that Dennis doesnt know how to be involved or what to do. I have been really well, and everything has been pretty easy. He isnt experiencing the pregnancy the same way that I am. After the infertility challenges that we've experienced I think that there is additional fear and apprehension for him.
On Monday, May 4th I have lab tests for gestational diabetes. Next week we also have a midwife appointment, on Thursday May 7th. 

Im so pleased that everything is going so well. Babe, Mom and Daddy are healthy and happy! 

Love you. 

Her face looks a little bit creepy, the ultrasound tech thinks that she's cute. She must see some ugly babies. haha.

LOL. Dennis talks about having a bigger belly than me. 

 A family friend, Mary Jane made us several items including bibs, burp cloths, zipideezip sleep sacks, and also the lovely valance that you can see on the window. I love it!
I am irritate that we dont yet have our furniture. The crib was supposed to be here weeks ago (10-12 weeks) but it still hasnt been shipped. Grr. I should have it by the end of May.

Morning of our 24 week ultrasound. Daddy Dennis needs some shades.

The weather has been so gorgeous. It was 27 degrees, on April 28th. Unheard of! 
I have been hanging out in shorts and tank tops. 

My belly button is popping out. I have an outie! 

Go Flames Go!

Flames win the first playoff round. Dennis & I went to the Red Mile after the game. It was so fun, electric, alive! I love the energy! Everyone was happy, high fives all around! Approximately 20,000 people were down at the red mile!

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