Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3, 2014 almost 8 weeks pregnant

So much for not being sick. I was doing so well but the other night, January 1st I got wretchedly sick. I woke up at 1am with incredibly stabbing, jolting pain in my abdomen. The only thing I can compare the feeling to was the twisting feeling you get in your stomach with food poisoning, however, it was not food poisoning. I couldnt stand up, or lie down, I was on my knees doubled over the tub or the toilet. I vomited and was actively sick and was keeled over in pain for an hour. My Mom and Dennis woke up and were very concerned, and tried to help. Dennis was researching what it could be, and asking me questions to help problem solve, my mom was providing cold clothes and being a very present Mom! I strongly considered going into the ER, but I dont feel confident that they would have been able to do much, and they would only stabilize me; I will be ok. Im concerned for this baby though.
Im still not sure what it was, it's possible that it could have been gallstones, or a bowel obstruction. Increased hormone levels can cause problems and create higher risk for gallbladder issues during pregnancy (I read). 

I also experienced mild motion sickness today on our drive from Quesnel to Calgary, which never happens. Thank goodness for ginger gravol. 

I made a follow up appointment with my family doctor, for January 13th, the earliest I could get in as he has been sick, and away. I am still waiting to hear back from the OBGYN that I have been referred to, as well as hoping to get in with a midwifery clinic in Calgary (fingers crossed). 

I would like to go off of the progesterone and estrogen tablets, but after asking today to the Infertility Support Group facebook page today, I have to wait until 10 weeks. I feel that the hormones are having adverse affects such as, potentially contributing to my feeling unwell and increased anxiety (yikes, sorry!). I can stick it out for the next two weeks. 

I feel that there is lack of cross over between the Fertility Clinic and physicians. I have requested for the fertility clinic to send my reports to my family doctor, however, since IVF is specific my GP doesnt understand or know the protocol and after a successful transfer the clinic is pretty much done with you. It would be more helpful if I had an OBGYN or a midwife, but I think Ill have to wait awhile before we have either. 

Kylie and Cam have been holding onto all of their baby items for 7 years now, for us. We were finally able to take a load back to Calgary and help chip away at their pile for us in their basement. I am so grateful for their support, love, and stuff! It will be so helpful! For now it feels a bit overwhelming as everything has been moved from the SUV to a corner in the basement. I will feel better once we set up a nursery and find a place for everything. My nesting instinct has kicked in! 

We had a lovely time in Quesnel with my family. The next time we see them will hopefully be in March, in Mexico! We're going to try to plan a family holiday somewhere hot! 

What to Expect, for Expecting Dads. Well done, Cam! 

My wonderful sister has this made for us! So special, and loving! 

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